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Event Information

Team Friendship NYC Full 
Sunday, November 6, 2022


How it Works
We know new things can be scary. Don’t worry! Team Friendship will be at your side every step of the way. We’ll be more overprotective than a first-time mom at preschool orientation day. 
  1. Upon registering, you’ll receive a personal fundraising page (yay!). It’s not your name on a building (yet), but it’s still pretty cool.
  2. Next, you’ll get a training plan from Coach Chaim, our very friendly and very dedicated coach. You’ll also get Coach’s weekly emails with training tips, tricks, and the occasional dad joke (we apologize in advance). 
  3. Celebrations: From a pre-race team dinner to breakfast on the run (literally) to post-race celebrations, you can be sure to feel accomplished and celebrated for your amazing achievement.
Event Info
So, the race experience looks a bit like this, but just a lot more magical in real life: 

Thursday Evening: Bring All. The. Energy! Load up on dinner, hear personal stories from Friendship Circle members, go crazy, and get pumped for an incredible run!

Sunday Day: Race day! Start your morning with some pre-race fuel and last-minute stretching before heading to the starting line with your team family. Run past the pumping Team Friendship cheer spot where you'll be cheered on by friends and fans.
Race Info
Alongside 50,000 fellow TCS NYC Full runners, Team Friendship will conquer mile after mile of the famous streets of New York City! Friends, family, and thousands of fans will line up along the 26.2 miles of roadways filled with inspiring sights and sounds to cheer you on.  

See below for general race day information:

The starting line is located on Staten Island near the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge. See here for the course map and for the starting line timeline

Friends and family can track their runner with the free TCS New York City Marathon App Powered by Tata Consultancy Services.  

The Team Friendship Cheer Squad will be located at the 10-mile mark: 220 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017 (Outside Starbucks at the intersection of 2nd Avenue and E 42nd Street) 

The course exits Staten Island via the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge and takes runners through Brooklyn, then into Queens, before entering Manhattan. After a trip up into the Bronx, runners head back down into Manhattan and enter Central Park.

A medical unit will be located at the start line for your safety. Please look for medical personnel in red T-shirts if you need assistance. Water/Gatorade stations will be located throughout the run.

As you cross the finish line, MarathonFoto will take your picture and video. Keep your race number visible, look up, and smile! View the finish area map here. 

Medical Aid will be available throughout the finish and post-finish areas. 

Family reunion will be located on Central Park West between West 60th and West 66th streets, with entry points on Broadway from 61st to 65th streets, depending on the last name of your runner. Family Reunion will be open from 12:00 noon to 5:30 p.m.

Number pickup will take place at TBA